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We can heal

Stay Healthy

Ayurveda & Yoga are vast knowledge sources & bring unmatched benefits to health & purpose of life. Here is opportunity to get enlightened.

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Save our Health

It has strong belief in & focus on importance of adopting healthy & minimalist lifestyle to prevent mental, physical & social illness.

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Health is wealth

Your health & wellness is not prescription but life-long experience.we have enriching product details and upcoming events..

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Stay Halthy and live longer.

Treatment is targeted not only up to disease but brig overall holistic improvement in the patient.
Ayurveda & Yoga are not mere treatments to cure diseases but are lifestyles which prevent diseases. You can enrich your spiritual, mental, physical, intellectual & social well-being by small corrections in lifestyle.
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Blessed to bring a smile

Treatment is targeted not only up to disease but brig overall holistic improvement in the patient..
Your health & wellness is not prescription but life-long experience. Sign up for Ayurveda tips, healthy recipes, enriching product details and upcoming events.
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Available Treatment In Pune

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Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness.Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
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Manoha Ayuveda provides Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar treatment child's mental and behavioral development begins when he is considered. we have been proved very beneficial. Thousands of couples are experiencing it then why don't you? We define Garbha Sanskar as improving total Physical, Mental, Emotional, Health and Intelligence.
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Suvarnaprashan is an Ayurvedic medicine for children 0-15 years of age, mainly given to increase immunity, address recurrent illness, and to improve concentration and memory. This a very popular treatment practiced at Manohar Ayruveda with more than 5,000 kids where we have seen benefits of immunity and developmental milestones.
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Diet Counseling is a proven approach to nutrition counseling that will meet your physical, mental and emotional needs. We use the latest approaches in scientific research, clinical experience, problem-solving skills, and an intuitive approach to help you feel better.
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To facilitate the reemergence of Ayurveda and its integration with all aspects of existence.The Ayurvedic Institute is committed to providing an environment in which the student can find the freedom to learn and make choices that promote self-healing To become an institute of national importance and a centre of excellence in the field of Ayurvedic education, training, research and patient care and to make a name of its own internationally. To provide the best treatment facilities in all branches of Ayurveda.To be an Outstanding Center of Excellence for Ayurveda Tertiary Health Care and set highest standards of Education.

Perpose Or Values

The Manohar Ayurveda organization that teaches the principles and practices of Ayurveda, the ancient science of life AbsolutehonestySelf-knowledge Focus on contribution Non dogmatic spirituality Getting more done by doing less work smart Calling forth the best of ourselves & others Being open to change Having a special sense of humor Having a keen distant vision & up close focus Having self discipline Keeping balance.


The mission of The Ayurvedic Institute is to teach Ayurveda, the Science of Life, utilizing a traditional Vedic approach. To achieve holistic health locally, nationally and globally. · We do this through unique educational pattern to produce the leading Ayurveda physicians.

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